Eating Disorder

What is an eating disorder?

  • Eating disorders and disordered eating are mental health conditions that can include a number of different symptoms and outcomes. Symptoms can include severe or extreme emotions, attitudes, behaviors around food, intake, and weight.
  • In today’s world we are constantly surrounded by messages perpetuated by diet and health/wellness culture. These messages bombard us on a daily basis and provide us with a false sense of identity and being. These messages consistently lie to us about what our bodies “should” and “could” look like. The negative effects suffered around this messaging results in harmful views of self, destructive behaviors and perceptions, and negative relationships with both food and our bodies,

Types of eating disorders

  • There is no “one size fits all” eating disorder. Eating disorders come in a variety of shapes and sizes as do the bodies being impacted by them. At Emerald Mental Health, we welcome all bodies and treat all versions of ED.
  • If you suffer or suspect you suffer from any of the following ED variations, reach out to us now for help:
  • Anorexia Nervosa- restricting type or binge/purge type
  • Atypical Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Arfid
  • Orthorexia
  • Compulsive overeating
  • Diabulimia

Co-occurring disorders

  • Eating disorders often come with comorbid disorders such as mood disorders and substance use. Emerald also treats mood and personality disorders. We can provide you with tools and techniques to navigate the unique challenges mood or personality disorders present.

Treatment for ED

  • Treatment approaches offered at Emerald to treat Eating Disorders include an eclectic mix of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness, and Somatic work. Through these approaches we can work together to safely walk the path of recovery and empower you to live the life you deserve.


  • Emerald proudly supports all bodies. HAES is an all body inclusive philosophy that supports the health and well being of everybody, and every body. HAES stands for Health At Every Size and at Emerald we firmly believe in that philosophy and are committed to helping you feel safe, healthy, and comfortable in your body as it is.

Mood & Personality Disorder

What are they?

  • Mood and personality disorders are chronic and pervasive mental illnesses that can create unique and often disruptive challenges to everyday life and functioning. You may find it difficult to regulate your moods and emotions, have difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships, or struggle with self identity. Treating the underlying trauma of these conditions can help alleviate the symptoms you experience while providing you with the tools to successfully cope with your diagnosis.


Mood Disorders

  • Bipolar I & II
  • Depressive disorders including Major Depressive Disorder
  • Cyclothymic Disorder
  • Seasonal affective disorder

Personality Disorders

  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Avoidant Personality Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Dependent Personality Disorder

Co-occurring disorders

  • Mood and personality disorders often stem from deep rooted trauma. Coping with the trauma can bring along

Treatment approaches

  • Treatment approaches offered at Emerald to treat Mood and Personality Disorders include an eclectic mixf of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness, and Somatic work. Through these approaches we can work together to safely walk the path of recovery and empower you to live the life you deserve.


What is trauma?

  • Trauma is different for everyone and its impacts can overreach all areas of our lives. Trauma is a cognitive, emotional, psychological, and physical response to a threat or harmful experience lived or witnessed by an individual. Trauma can often impact and influence how we view and interact with the world. This may result in mental health conditions such as PTSD, complex trauma, eating disorders, addiction, mood and personality disorders, debilitating anxiety, crippling depression or other diagnosed mental illnesses.

Treatment approaches:

  • Effective treatment of trauma first requires stabilization. Stabilization is important to both prevent further undue harm, as well as to prepare the individual for the work ahead. Treatment modalities Emerald offers for trauma include an eclectic mix of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness, and Somatic work. Through these approaches we can work together to safely walk the path of recovery and empower you to live the life you deserve.

Contact Me

Chicago, Illinois

Phone: 872.215.2095

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